A: Blackboard Access
If you want an ASURITE ID to be able to take a class in Blackboard, please do the following:
- Contact someone in the ASU department that you are working with and ask them to submit an online Courtesy Affiliate Request form at forms.asu.edu to request an account for you.
- Go to forms.asu.edu, Computer Account Requests, and fill out a Courtesy Affiliate Request form on behalf of the person who needs the account;You must give the full name, birth date, non ASU email address, and if possible the last 4 digits of the SSN so we can make sure they aren't already in our system.
http://help.asu.edu/sims/selfhelp/SelfhelpKbView.seam?parature_id=8373-8193-5021&source=Selfhelp&cid=7017 - If you have Guest access make sure to switch to the Folder view (the List view is by default and you can't see the content in that setting)