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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Q: I need to send my presentation to a colleague for the conference. How do I transfer big files?

A: there are many services available. They all have a free option. The most common services are Dropbox (2GB free), Box (250 MB free), WeTransfer (2 GB free) etc. Some of them offer to store files as well. Google Drive is also handy. Here is a link to more information.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Q: What video equipment would be reliable for the study abroad trip? Our group is going to a development country, remote areas. Students will take pictures and videos for their blogs and portfolio pieces.

A: Pack smart. Technology is offering great options our days, you don't need to carry heavy and expensive cameras to capture good quality pictures and videos. Flip camera such as Kodak Playsport is easy to use, it produces high quality image and sound, and has a pocket size. GoPro with a kit gives you a lot of flexibility. Cell phones with any Android systems or iPhones produce a very good video with sound. Use self stick  or grab and go tripod for stability, and practice before you go: try different camera angles, lighting conditions, battery life etc.

Q: My students are creating portfolios of their works. What apps could help them to stand out in a competitive world?

A: Adobe Slate would be the best choice but it is available for iPad users only. It allows to combine text and media content in a professional style and you don't need to be a designer. Check for alternative storytelling tools, name just a few: Pixotale for iPhone and iPad, Exposure for desktop, Explory,  Interlude TreehouseRacontrStorehouse and for AndroidComic and Meme CreatorAudioBooTalking Tom and BenWeVideoAnimoto, iStoryBooks. Every day something new pops out. Choose what works for you.

Q: I want to make my online course materials more engaging. Is it something relatively easy to use for a busy instructor?

A: Try Zaption to create a learning tour for your course. You can add existing videos from Youtube and Vimeo, trim your video to show the segments you want, add interactive elements such as quiz questions. There is a basic account for free to start.

Q: How to export audio from a narrated Power Point presentation? I want to update my slides but keep the audio.

A:  the question puzzled me for a second but I found a quick solution here. It worked for me.

If your audio is embedded in a PowerPoint file, you can extract the audio files by doing the following:
  1. Save the presentation as a .pptx.
  2. Navigate to the file in Windows Explorer, right click it and select rename.
  3. Add “.zip” to the end of the file name so it looks like this: “”.
  4. Click enter.
  5. Now, double click the file, then double click the ppt folder, then double click the media folder. You should see a list of all the media files in your PowerPoint.