A: Sure it is. I assume that your slides are ready. First question: are you Mac or PC?
Mac user - you can just record your screen with a QuickTime player. It is free. The instructions are here.
Save your movie as *.mov and post it at Youtube. You don't need to create a new account - sign in with the Google one. You can publish your video manually at Vimeo by uploading a video file. If you have a budget try Keynote
PC user - finally you have a choice. Try Screencastomatic - it works for Mac too. 15 min. long videos are free - much more powerful options than Jing. You can record a screen, web cam, or both. It is very user friendly. Download it, record your video. You have a choice to save your video as a file to upload to a website later or publish at Youtube.
A few tips - please do test before you invest much time and efforts. Double check your audio devices. Make sure you set up your microphone before you start recording on PC. Check your Sound System Preferences on Mac. Pay attention where you are saving your video file at the end:)
If you are publishing on Youtube be aware of public setting by default. Go back and change it to private if you need.
You still have time - run!